Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Marketing and advertising to sell your Mobile Home Park

Turn around in a mobile home park project, it is necessary to bring in mobile homes and be able to sell them. It is very important to our message out to the public to let them know that you have affordable housing in your garden and you really easy terms, low down payment and affordable monthly payments so they can realize the American dream of buying and owning that your own home.

One way to market and advertise to sell their homes to park a board more risk you may be familiar with your property so that people would give is to use. We have implemented billboards in Texas to three mobile home parks that we have 100,000 in a smaller town to garner exposure.

You can also use door hangers and flyers. Door hangers will be a very good target apartment complexes. People will be hanging door hangers on the door of the house that they know the same price or less that they are renting an apartment, they can go ahead and buy a mobile home. You also can put flyers on cars in busy shopping malls. These two best ways to implement door hangers and flyers.

Bandit signs are a useful way to advertise and sell as well. Bandit Signs 18 "x 24" or 12 "x 18" sizes come. They are inexpensive (about $ 1:00 to 3:00 per signal) are putting together a busy street means or attached to electric poles. Within the city's main traffic areas in the park by putting the main road with a sign, you will let people know that you have affordable housing in mobile home park. Be sure to contact your local city or county rules about bandit signs (as well as real estate signs) know. A city that we are in a mobile home park, we just put out bandit signs from 5:00 to midnight Friday to Sunday to allow. Another mobile home park, the city only to put us out at any one time will allow a maximum of 5 bandit signs.

"Gift certificates" (exactly like a real gift certificate) printing has worked for us. We offer $ 500 gift certificate and workplaces in the company put in the lunch room or on bulletin boards either. You can also individually hand out gift certificates. In addition, we local city, county, state offices and corporate organizations in order to work with your employer benefit package for $ 500 to purchase a home can include gift certificates.

Our park managers also visit local mobile home dealers and managers to ask someone through their mobile home dealership is unable to qualify for financing a $ 500 gift certificate are required to give. Most often we provide vendor financing requirements, perhaps because our ability to simplify the local mobile home park dealer buyer to qualify can be. We are mobile home dealership manager compensation $ 300 - that they all sold us refer a buyer to the home $ 500.

Another successful marketing tool for a mobile home and mobile home which benefits all of the details list in front of the brochure boxes. That way, if someone comes in after hours or weekends can get all the information, and then they brochure inside the box from the phone number they can contact with are interested. This strategy worked very well in our mobile home park has.

We ensure that every home for sale a 18 "x 24" for sale "is to give potential homeowners know that the window for sale" sign. Signs are about $ 5.00 - $ 10.00 per sign (/ logo / number of colors depending on the amount) and are highly effective. We use a bright color like red to the mobile home for sale to attract the attention of people passing by.

Give your residents know that they have a free month's rent for the lot or a great referral (we pay $ 300) bonus to purchase a home that is referred to by residents can find works exceptionally well are. We included / door hangers for each resident on a quarterly basis to our monthly newsletter as well as referral bonus please refer to hand out flyers.

You also hosted a barbecue and gain more exposure for your mobile home park or a park-wide yard sale can sponsor. To the kids' jumping machine or some offer where children can play some toys so that they can be good. Sky events that garner more exposure for your mobile home park plan may range as is.

Another method is to try to use television and radio spots. West Texas, we have 30 seconds for as little as $ 1 to $ 5 to buy TV spots by location. Work well for the investment ($ 5 a truly national television stations and local cable stations for $ 1 and was spent.) Was. Radio spots are reasonably priced and its location for maximum performance to be broadcast during drive time (6:00 to 6:00 - 8 and 16:00).

But the greatest results the most cost effective and economical Nickel, Greensheet, and placing classified ads in the Pennysaver come. Cost about $ 5 to $ 15 per ad per week. You place classified ads under "apartments for rent can" title. Most people are looking to rent for the same price because the really good candidates to buy a mobile home they are renting an apartment, they can own their own home. You also under "Mobile Homes for sale classified ads can enter.